County and USAID focus on Sustainable use of local Resources


The County Government of Turkana in partnership with USAID and its Implementing Partners(IPs), have focused their strength to enhance Joint Work Planning Process (JWP) in a bid to prudently make use of the available resources within the County.

During the inception meeting in Lodwar, the County pledged to support the USAID’s Mission meant to empower the county government’s and partners’ achieve locally-sustained results.

Speaking during the meeting, the Deputy County Secretary, Joseph Nyang’a said, “a joint work planning process between the government and all the partners working in Turkana, will continue to build and align on the Governor’s 9th-Point transformative Agenda on Collaborations and Partnerships. This will strengthen and cement a strong partnership foundation that provides mutual benefit of all the parties”.

At the same time, he added that JWP is a good platform that aims at providing an opportunity for multi-sectoral discussions with county government officials to identify opportunities for leverage, eliminate duplication among partners, assess past progress and jointly examine data and evidence to identify priority areas for the current financial year.

During the event, Deputy County secretary asked USAID Resilience Learning Activity (RLA) and LOKADO to rally all the USAID’s Implementing Partners to support USAID and County’s vision of strengthened coordination to ease co-creation, co-facilitation and co-implementation of the 2023/2024 joint priorities and the strategic interventions.

He called on RLA’s support in bringing onboard other non-USAID Partners for a robust partnership body that streamlines development activities and progress.

DCS Nyang’a assured the partners of the County Government’s commitment to ensure there is conducive environment for them to operate in and deliver projects of positive impact to the residents of Turkana County.

The USAID RLA County Coordinator, Isaiah Lomorukai said that JWP had become a venue for implementing partners to jointly meet with government officials inorder to plan for priorities per sector, and later budget together to avoid duplication and wastage of resources.

In creating change to the communities, he informed that in the planning process, the IPs will jointly invest in a few flagship projects, as a good gesture of JWP model, similar to what happened in Marsabit County.

During the meeting, Lomorukai revealed, that there would be inter-county learning exercise in Isiolo, where Turkana PREG Team will be participating.

Gerald Ndungu, Programme Manager for LOKADO said that it would be motivating and of a good venture for partners through JWP to implement programmes of impact, through which partners would be remembered for the job done well.

In attendance were, Evaristus Lokidap (Director, Disaster Management, Francis Lokwar (Economic Planning), Michael Ekwang’a (Monitoring & Evaluation), Golicha Dirila (Concern World Wide), Catherine Timanoi(USAID Imarisha Jamii), Ekutan Meshack, Wycliffe Lotieng (Programme Support Officer, LOKADO) and Ambrozus Lokolel(M & E, LOKADO).


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