The late Mary Kanyaman laid to Rest

The late Mary Kanyaman Ekai final resting place

The late Mary Kanyaman, sister to Ekuru Aukot the third way alliance leader was yesterday evening 8th of October laid to rest a few kilometers from Lodwar town at Juluk village, Kanamkemer ward in Turkana Central Sub-County. The late was referred to as the peace ambassador or crusader due to her selfless efforts to ensure peace prevailed between Turkana County and its neighboring communities.

The incident occurred on 24th  September and left 11 people dead after being ambushed by cattle rustlers at Napeitom in Turkana East sub-county. This happened after She learnt of the raid that had taken place in her village where her home was home was among the households that were raided. She made efforts to pursue the bandits where she sort assistance by mobilizing security team from Turkana East Police station. She was accompanied by 8 security officers in her vehicle and another vehicle from the station.

It was so unfortunate that immediately the two vehicles reached Namariat, the bandits ambushed the vehicles with bullets killing all the 11 on the site. Among those killed were 8 security officers, Kanyaman, Napeitom local chief the late Gilbert Lomukuny and a villager.

the two vehicles were ambushed at Namariat

The killing evoked anger among the Turkana residents and elected leaders who attended the burial questioned the governments efforts to quash this cycle of killings on the Turkana people. The leaders however, termed the late as a brave and courageous heroine who would stand at nothing to ensure a peaceful coexisted between her people and the neighboring communities.

The event which was attended by the County boss, Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai mourned the late as a committed peace crusader whose dream was always to see a peaceful Suguta valley but it was unfortunate her life and dreams shuttered in such a cruel manner. She only wanted peace and never new that destiny had such plans in store for her.

H.E Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai adressing mourners during The late Mary Kanyaman send off.

As a show of concern H.E Jeremiah Lomorukai called for a serious meeting with Turkana County leadership and the President of Kenya H.E William Ruto over unending insecurity in the region. The governor also raised concerns over a reported armed militia from the neighboring county mobilizing for another raid in Turkana South.

The governor asked the security agencies to apprehend and bring to book the dirty politicians funding and fueling this heinous act to the turkana people as well as seal all loopholes through which ammunitions and ilicit fireams land in to the hands of these bandits.

The Samburu County governor Jonathan Leleliit  who was in attendance paid tribute to the late and termed her as a courageous and a high spirited lady who was dedicated to her job while she was serving Samburu county as a CEC in the health ministry. He further assured The Turkana County governor of full support by his administration in pursuit for a peaceful coexistence between the two counties.


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